Only be yourself. This allows natural traits to grow: free of unnatural mind traits and conditionings. Be yourself so you are free.

Wednesday, 5 May 2021, 07:29 GMT+10 Devi’s Murali

SEEKER: Om Maha Shakti Namaste

GODDESS: Om Shanti my sweetest one Namaste
One does not need to be someone else.
One only needs to be oneself. Being oneself is allowing one’s natural traits to grow.
Nobody has unwanted traits naturally. These unwanted traits are learnt through the conditionings of the material mind.
All unwanted traits are unnatural. Nobody has these traits naturally.
Unwanted traits are learnt because of desires and expectations. They are created through unwanted thoughts and emotions.
Without these unwanted thoughts or emotions, one will not have unwanted words or actions. One will not have unwanted traits.
Most people learn these unwanted traits. They learn through unwanted thoughts and emotions.
Some learn these from others. They learn these unwanted traits because they want to be someone else.
But one does not need to be someone else. One can be oneself.
Remember that being oneself is having natural traits. It is being free of all unnatural traits and conditionings of the material mind.
One must learn to be oneself so that one is free.
Om Shanti my dearest one Namaste

SEEKER: Om Maha Shakti Namaste 🕉🙏

Wednesday, 5 May 2021, 07:43 GMT+10 Baba’s Murali

SEEKER: Om Shanti Baba

BABA: Om Shanti my sweet child
Most people have forgotten to be themselves.
They are not aware of who they really are. They have forgotten their natural selves.
They try to be someone else. They learn to have unnatural traits.
The natural self does not have unnatural traits. These unnatural traits are learnt.
The material mind creates desires and expectations. These create unwanted thoughts and emotions.
Then unwanted words and actions are created. These become normal traits.
Many people learn these traits. They consider these traits to be acceptable.
When this happens, natural traits which are based on the attributes are considered to be unacceptable. Most people do not want these traits and so they try to learn new unnatural traits.
It is now more acceptable to be aggressive as one is considered to be bold and brave. If one is meek, one is considered to be timid or cowardly.
This is how the material mind conditions everyone. It replaces all natural traits with unnatural traits.
Remember that one does not need to change or learn unnatural traits. Being one’s natural self is all that is required.
Om Shanti my sweet child

SEEKER: Om Shanti Baba 🕉🙏


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