Wednesday, 5 May 2021, 17:20 GMT+10 Devi’s Murali SEEKER: Om Maha Shakti Namaste GODDESS: Om Shanti my sweetest one NamasteRemember that all obstacles and challenges on the true path are created by the material mind.When one follows the true path, the material mind will […]
Archives: 5 May 2021
Only be yourself. This allows natural traits to grow: free of unnatural mind traits and conditionings. Be yourself so you are free.
Wednesday, 5 May 2021, 07:29 GMT+10 Devi’s Murali SEEKER: Om Maha Shakti Namaste GODDESS: Om Shanti my sweetest one NamasteOne does not need to be someone else.One only needs to be oneself. Being oneself is allowing one’s natural traits to grow.Nobody has unwanted traits […]