To complete the journey, live the attributes, or resolve past burdens and unwanted consequences, and acquire good consequences. When you resolve past burdens and unwanted consequences, you will be able to practise fastest, by being, as you are free. Your soul will lead you to make the right choices. Few connect with soul directly. This connection only exists after long periods of practice and being. All can complete the journey. You must want to complete it and make the right choices.

Tuesday, 11 May 2021, 17:22 GMT+10 Devi’s Murali SEEKER GREETS GODDESS: Om Maha Shakti Namaste GODDESS SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweetest one NamasteThere are many ways to complete the journey.One way is to live the attributes. By living the attributes, one does not allow […]

By being, be natural. Allow attributes to be. No conditionings, control, suppression or oppression, not trapped. Accept and allow everything that exists to come to be. Release desires, expectations thoughts, words, emotions, or actions. Learn to be. One can be, anytime.

Tuesday, 11 May 2021, 07:45 GMT+10 Devi’s Murali SEEKER GREETS GODDESS: Om Maha Shakti Namaste GODDESS SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweetest one NamasteBy being, one accepts everything.One does not have desires and expectations. One does not have any thoughts, words, emotions or actions.By being, […]