Monday, 3 May 2021, 07:18 GMT+10 Devi’s Murali
Seeker: Om Maha Shakti Namaste
Goddess: Om Shanti my sweetest one Namaste
One must constantly practise preventing unwanted thoughts and emotions.
These are unnecessary. They only create unwanted consequences and burdens.
One must constantly resolve past burdens. But one must also avoid acquiring new burdens.
Remember that all unwanted thoughts and emotions cannot help one in any way. These are a waste of one’s time and energy.
When one has unwanted thoughts and emotions, one acquires unwanted consequences and burdens. Then one must resolve these.
This will continue unless one prevents all unwanted thoughts and emotions from being created. One must prevent these if one wants to be free.
Remember that unwanted thoughts and emotions will only create unwanted consequences and burdens. They do not help one to resolve anything.
The material mind wants everyone to have unwanted thoughts and emotions so that one will remain trapped. It does not want anyone to be free.
Remember that one must be prepared for the completion of the journey. Nothing must prevent this.
Remember that there are limited opportunities for one to be free. One cannot waste these opportunities.
Om Shanti my dearest one Namaste
Seeker: Om Maha Shakti Namaste 🕉🙏
Monday, 3 May 2021, 07:30 GMT+10 Baba’s Murali
Seeker: Om Shanti Baba
Baba: Om Shanti my sweet child
All focus on material matters is wasted.
Unwanted thoughts and emotions are even more irrelevant. They not only waste one’s time and energy but also create new burdens and unwanted consequences.
These will prevent the completion of the journey. They do not help one in any way.
Unwanted thoughts and emotions create obstacles. They create unwanted consequences and burdens which one must resolve.
Remember that in order to resolve unwanted consequences and burdens one must experience pain and suffering. One can only be free if one prevents these unwanted thoughts and emotions.
Unwanted words and actions create more unwanted consequences and burdens. But unwanted thoughts and emotions are constantly created.
One must learn to prevent these. One must stop these as soon as one is aware that they are created.
Remember that all unwanted thoughts and emotions are irrelevant. They do not help one in any way.
If one is angry with someone, one’s anger will not resolve anything. It will only cause more harm to oneself.
Similarly, all unwanted thoughts and emotions will not help one in any way. They will only cause harm to oneself.
Instead of harming oneself and those around, one must prevent all unwanted thoughts and emotions. One must resolve all past burdens and unwanted consequences instead of acquiring new ones.
One must not create obstacles for oneself. One must not create pain and suffering for oneself.
One can be free of all these if one chooses to be. One must be aware of every choice.
Om Shanti my sweet child
Seeker: Om Shanti Baba 🕉🙏