When you find the truth, accept everything as it is, without the need to understand it.

Friday, 21 May 2021, 17:11 GMT+10 Devi’s Murali


GODDESS SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweetest one Namaste
Remember that one does not need to understand everything.
The material mind has conditioned everyone to have the desire to understand everything. Everything needs an explanation.
But it is really unnecessary. One does not need to understand anything. One does not need to understand the truth.
When one finds the truth, one must accept it. One cannot understand it.
This is because the material mind is not capable of understanding it. It is not even capable of understanding the consequences of everything.
When one tries to understand everything, one allows the material mind to create doubts and confusion. When one cannot understand everything, one can easily become confused and doubtful.
One must learn to accept everything without the need to understand it. One must accept everything for what it is.

Om Shanti my dearest one Namaste

SEEKER RESPECTS GODDESS: Om Maha Shakti Namaste 🕉🙏

Friday, 21 May 2021, 17:22 GMT+10 Baba’s Murali


BABA SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweet child
The material self can accept everything without the need for understanding it.
But the material mind will not easily accept it. This is because the material mind gains control when it becomes involved.
When one tries to understand something, the material mind can control all thoughts and emotions. It can accept it or reject it.
If one tries to understand the truth, the material mind will create doubts and confusion. It will not accept the truth so it will reject it.
The material mind is incapable of understanding the truth even if it is explained. So it will not accept the truth.
Anyway, when one knows the truth, the material mind loses all control. It becomes an organ just like any other organ.
When one knows the truth, the material mind will no longer be able to create anything as it wants. It will lose all control over everything including the material self.
When one seeks to understand the truth, one allows the material mind to create doubts and confusion. So one does not need to understand it.
Remember that one does not need to understand life in order to live it. One does not need to understand hunger in order to eat.
Understanding is unnecessary. It is an involvement of the material mind.
One can enjoy the beauty of nature without understanding. Similarly, one does not need to understand the truth to accept it.

Om Shanti my sweet child



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