When you have no material desires, unwanted thoughts and emotions, no karmic consequences arise. You can be free when your material self is free.

Saturday, 1 May 2021, 08:42 GMT+10 Devi’s Murali

Seeker: Om Maha Shakti Namaste

Goddess: Om Shanti my sweetest one Namaste
Everyone is concerned about material matters.
Everything that is important to everyone involves material matters. Material matters are the focus of everyone’s lives.
It is not easy to be free of these. It is not easy to be completely detached from these.
One must continue to practise removing these. One must constantly practise so that one is not trapped by these.
Remember that all material matters are irrelevant. Nothing can be done that will change this.
Everyone is only concerned about the life in the material world. They only want material comfort and ease.
Remember that everything is according to the choices that one makes. If one has resolved all past burdens and has not acquired new ones, then one will not have to endure pain and suffering.
If one had made choices which created good consequences, then one will have a good life. There will be no pain and suffering.
But this is the material life. This is only a way to complete the journey.
Whichever way one lives, the completion of the journey is important. Only then can one be free of everything that traps one in the material world.
Even if one has to experience pain and suffering, one must still strive to be prepared for the completion of the journey. In this way one will be free of all the pain and suffering.
Remember that the only way that one can be free of the consequences of one’s choices is to be completely free. When there are no material desires or unwanted thoughts and emotions, there are no consequences.
Remember that one can be free when the self is free. When the material mind has no control or conditionings, one is free.
Om Shanti my dearest one Namaste

Seeker: Om Maha Shakti Namaste 🕉🙏

Saturday, 1 May 2021, 08:56 GMT+10 Baba’s Murali

Seeker: Om Shanti Baba

Baba: Om Shanti my sweet child
Everyone is concerned about material matters because of the material mind.
The material mind makes everyone believe that these material matters are important. It makes everyone focus on these so that everything else becomes irrelevant.
When one focuses on something, one becomes attached to it. One becomes focused on acquiring or achieving it.
One must remember that this is the control and conditioning of the material mind. When one stops the material mind, this will stop.
One must be aware that everything that one experiences is because of the consequences of one’s choices. Each choice that one makes has consequences.
If one’s experiences are good, then one has made the right choices. But one must also remember that this can change if one makes unwanted choices.
Having a good or a difficult life does not mean that this will continue. Everything will change according to one’s choices.
These are only the consequences of past choices. The present choices that one makes will affect future experiences.
If one focuses on the completion of the journey, one will make the right choices. Remember that the completion of the journey requires the attributes to be strengthened.
If one bases all choices on the attributes, one will be prepared for the completion of the journey. Then one can be free of the control and conditioning of the material mind.
It is difficult to break free but it is more difficult to be trapped. It is difficult to make the right choices when one is filled with desires and expectations.
Om Shanti my sweet child

Seeker: Om Shanti Baba 🕉🙏


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