7.27 26 April 2021 am Devi’s Murali
Seeker: Om Maha Shakti Namaste
Goddess: Om Shanti my sweetest one Namaste
One must learn to use everything that one experiences in life as a means to learn and grow.
Everyone has been conditioned to learn and grow materially. Everything is used to strengthen the material mind.
It is not the material mind which must grow and be stronger but the soul. The soul must grow stronger.
Everything that one experiences must be used to strengthen the soul. Everything must be used to free the soul.
Most souls are weakened and trapped by the choices made by the material self. These choices strengthen the material mind but weaken the soul.
Remember that all unwanted thoughts and emotions only weaken the soul. They strengthen the material mind because these nourish the material mind.
The soul needs the attributes to grow stronger. The material mind diminishes the attributes.
When one allows the material mind to grow, one suppresses the soul. Everything that allows the material mind to grow stronger weakens the soul.
Remember that everything is a choice. Focusing on material matters strengthens the material mind.
By being, one strengthens the soul. One stops the material mind and frees the soul.
Om Shanti my dearest one Namaste
Seeker: Om Maha Shakti Namaste 🕉🙏
7.38 26 April 2021 am Baba’s Murali
Seeker: Om Shanti Baba
Baba: Om Shanti my sweet child
Everything that everyone does is for the material mind.
This is because everyone has been conditioned to do so. Everyone only focuses on everything that will strengthen the material mind.
They only focus on the material self which is for the material mind. Remember that the material self is created and controlled by the material mind.
Everything that strengthens the material self, strengthens the material mind. Remember that every desire and expectation is for the material self.
If the material self achieves something, it is the material mind which grows stronger. There will be material joy and happiness which will keep the material self trapped.
Everything that one experiences must be used to strengthen the soul. Most people use these to strengthen the material mind and weaken the soul.
Good experiences must be used to strengthen true joy and happiness. They must be used to cultivate gratitude.
Unpleasant experiences must be used to free the soul. They are usually used to diminish the attributes and weaken the soul.
These allow unwanted thoughts and emotions to be created. They keep the soul trapped by diminishing the attributes.
These experiences must be used to free the soul. The material mind must not grow stronger by creating unwanted thoughts and emotions.
Remember that everything is a choice. One chooses to help the material mind or the soul.
Om Shanti my sweet child
Seeker: Om Shanti Baba 🕉🙏