Live the attributes. When they are strong, free yourself of obstacles challenges attachments distractions unwanted thoughts and emotions. Then you are free. Learn and grow. Be aware of everything.

16.57 25 April 2021 pm Devi’s Murali Seeker: Om Maha Shakti Namaste Goddess: Om Shanti my sweetest one NamasteOne must constantly learn to be free.As the material mind constantly traps everyone, one must constantly learn to be free. If one becomes complacent, one will […]

Accept and appreciate everything. Pain and suffering resolve past burdens. Nothing is without reason. Do not assume you know better, or need anything else.

25 April 2021 7.10 am Devi’s Murali Seeker: Om Maha Shakti Namaste Goddess: Om Shanti my sweetest one NamasteOne must always learn to appreciate everything that one has.The material mind has conditioned everyone to desire more. Everything that one has is never sufficient.This desire […]