Replace unwanted thoughts with soul attributes of joy, peace, happiness, love

07:46 11 April 2021 am Devi’s Murali

Seeker: Om Maha Shakti Namaste

Goddess: Om Shanti my sweetest one Namaste

The material self controls all thoughts and emotions.

It creates unwanted thoughts and emotions. It creates unwanted words and actions. Instead of allowing it to do so, one must learn to create thoughts filled with the attributes. One must learn to create words and actions filled with the attributes. One must practise creating thoughts filled with joy and peace and happiness and love. One must replace all unwanted thoughts with these. If one is able to do this, all unwanted emotions will be replaced with the attributes. One will not have unwanted words and actions because there are no unwanted emotions. One can condition oneself to live the attributes. One can replace the conditionings of the material mind with new conditionings. One can condition oneself. One can learn to have thoughts and emotions filled with the attributes. It is one’s choice to follow a path. One can choose to allow the material mind to control or to be free.

Om Shanti my dearest one Namaste

Seeker: Om Maha Shakti Namaste


08:02 11 April 2021 am Baba’s Murali

Seeker: Om Shanti Baba

Baba: Om Shanti my sweet child

It is difficult to break free of all conditionings and control of the material mind mainly because most people refuse to do so.

They want to remain conditioned and controlled. They do not see any reason to change this.

Even when they have unwanted thoughts, words, emotions and actions, they do not want to change. They expect others to change or to accept them as they are.

When one is aware of all the unwanted thoughts and emotions that one has, one can be free of them. One can remove them if one wants to.

Remember that unwanted thoughts and emotions are not natural. They are conditionings of the material mind.

One can remove them by replacing them with thoughts and emotions filled with the attributes. One can learn to have all thoughts and emotions filled with the attributes.

Instead of having thoughts which are filled with sadness and loneliness, one can have thoughts filled with joy and happiness.

Instead of focusing on everything that one lacks, one can focus on everything that one has. One can focus on everything that one is.

If there is some trait that is unwanted, one can change this. If there are conditionings of the material mind that are unwanted, one can remove them.

Remember that one can choose. Everything is a choice.If one changes one’s thoughts, words, emotions and actions, one can change everything.Om Shanti my sweet childOm Shanti Baba


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