Nothing on your path, can be changed. Nothing can change this. Everything that should be, will be. Accept everything. You can change only your choices or path, not another’s.

17:32 17 April 2021 pm Devi’s Murali

Seeker: Om Maha Shakti Namaste

Goddess: Om Shanti my sweetest one Namaste

Everyone has been conditioned to assume that one can change everything that happens.
Everything that should be, will be. Nothing and nobody can change this.
One can only change one’s own choices. One can change one’s path.
But everything that happens on the path, cannot be changed. One must accept everything.
One cannot change another’s choices. One cannot change another’s path.
One may be an instrument. One may be a catalyst but one cannot change anything.
If one is the cause of something or a catalyst, it is because of one’s past burdens and consequences. If there are more burdens, then it is inevitable.
Nobody is important enough to be the cause of anything. Nobody is important enough to change anything.
Remember that no matter what one chooses or does, everything will be as it should be. One must accept everything.
One must not consider oneself to be so important as to be a source. One is only a part of everything.
One must learn to accept everything. One must learn not to allow any unwanted thoughts or emotions to be created because of this.
Remember that everything that should be, will be.
Om Shanti my dearest one Namaste

Seeker: Om Maha Shakti Namaste 🕉🙏

17:43 17 April 2021 pm Baba’s Murali

Seeker: Om Shanti Baba

Baba: Om Shanti my sweet child

The material mind has conditioned everyone to believe that they are important.
This is an untruth as nobody is important. Everyone is just a part of the play.
Nobody is important enough to change anything. Everything that happens, will happen.
Everything that should be, will be. Nothing is random.
Nobody and nothing can change anything. One can only change one’s choices. The consequence are only for oneself.
One’s choices do not change another’s consequences. Everyone is only responsible for their own choices.
A leaf in the ocean does not create the waves. It is carried by the waves.
If the leaf lands on a rock or on the beach, the waves will still continue. Nothing and nobody can change this.
Similarly everything that happens, will happen. If one stands in a storm, one will not stop the storm but one will get wet. One can choose to stand in the storm or seek shelter.
One can only make choices for one’s journey. One can be prepared or unprepared.
The journey will still continue. The journey will still end regardless of everything.
Remember that one is just a part of everything. Nothing and nobody is important.
Everything is a part.
Om Shanti my sweet child

Seeker: Om Shanti Baba 🕉🙏


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