Diverted or distracted, return to the true path. Being aware, you will know you strayed from the true path, and recognise untruths. Connect with your soul to know and recognise untruths, to break the influence of your mind. Only soul can save you from untruths.

Saturday, 22 May 2021, 07:34 GMT+10 Devi’s Murali


GODDESS SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweetest one Namaste
One must always be aware of everything as it is easy to become distracted or lost.
Many who find the true path become distracted and lost because they are unaware of the path that they are following. They assume that they are following the true path and are unaware that they have lost their way.
The material mind can create untruths. It can create diversions and distractions.
Most people who have lost their way on the true path believe that they are still following the true path. They were diverted but they forgot to go back to the true path.
When one becomes diverted or distracted, one must remember to return to the true path. One must be aware of everything.
Only by being aware, will one know that one has strayed from the true path. Only by being aware, will one recognise untruths.
It is easy to believe in untruths. If one wants to believe it, one will.
The connection with the soul is important in knowing and recognising untruths. The material mind is strong and can influence everyone.
Only the connection with the soul is strong enough to break the influence of the material mind. Only the soul can save one from untruths.

Om Shanti my dearest one Namaste

SEEKER RESPECTS GODDESS: Om Maha Shakti Namaste 🕉🙏

Saturday, 22 May 2021, 07:46 GMT+10 Baba’s Murali


BABA SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweet child
The material mind has been conditioning and controlling everything for a long time.
The material self has been conditioned and controlled by the material mind for so long that the true self is lost and forgotten. Even the connection with the soul is lost and forgotten.
The connection with the soul is most important if one is to be free of the material mind. Only this connection can help and guide one.
Many who have found the true path become lost because they are distracted. Then they lose their way because they become trapped in these distractions.
Most of those who are lost believe in untruths. These untruths are so strong that it is difficult to break free.
When they believe in untruths, they cannot be free in one lifetime. Only in the next lifetime is there a possibility that they can be free.
One can change when one believes in untruths. One is trapped by the material mind because of these untruths.
Remember that untruths are all unnatural traits. They strengthen unwanted thoughts, words, emotions and actions.
Those who believe in untruths, do not have the attributes. They do not have natural traits.
The belief in untruths is so strong that it cannot be broken. Only the connection with the soul can help one to be free.
But most people who believe in untruths do not have any connection with the soul. They only believe in the material mind and its untruths.
If they become trapped by untruths, it is unlikely that they can break free. They will remain lost until they leave the material world.
Om Shanti my sweet child


When you find the truth, accept everything as it is, without the need to understand it.

Friday, 21 May 2021, 17:11 GMT+10 Devi’s Murali


GODDESS SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweetest one Namaste
Remember that one does not need to understand everything.
The material mind has conditioned everyone to have the desire to understand everything. Everything needs an explanation.
But it is really unnecessary. One does not need to understand anything. One does not need to understand the truth.
When one finds the truth, one must accept it. One cannot understand it.
This is because the material mind is not capable of understanding it. It is not even capable of understanding the consequences of everything.
When one tries to understand everything, one allows the material mind to create doubts and confusion. When one cannot understand everything, one can easily become confused and doubtful.
One must learn to accept everything without the need to understand it. One must accept everything for what it is.

Om Shanti my dearest one Namaste

SEEKER RESPECTS GODDESS: Om Maha Shakti Namaste 🕉🙏

Friday, 21 May 2021, 17:22 GMT+10 Baba’s Murali


BABA SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweet child
The material self can accept everything without the need for understanding it.
But the material mind will not easily accept it. This is because the material mind gains control when it becomes involved.
When one tries to understand something, the material mind can control all thoughts and emotions. It can accept it or reject it.
If one tries to understand the truth, the material mind will create doubts and confusion. It will not accept the truth so it will reject it.
The material mind is incapable of understanding the truth even if it is explained. So it will not accept the truth.
Anyway, when one knows the truth, the material mind loses all control. It becomes an organ just like any other organ.
When one knows the truth, the material mind will no longer be able to create anything as it wants. It will lose all control over everything including the material self.
When one seeks to understand the truth, one allows the material mind to create doubts and confusion. So one does not need to understand it.
Remember that one does not need to understand life in order to live it. One does not need to understand hunger in order to eat.
Understanding is unnecessary. It is an involvement of the material mind.
One can enjoy the beauty of nature without understanding. Similarly, one does not need to understand the truth to accept it.

Om Shanti my sweet child


At the right time everything can come to be. Anything else will be not according to My will. Nothing can be changed. If you change anything, there will be consequences. When everything is allowed to be, there will be balance. When the timing changes there is no balance. Then you need to find balance to continue the journey.

Friday, 21 May 2021, 07:00 GMT+10 Devi’s Murali


GODDESS SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweetest one Namaste

When one wants something immediately, one wants one’s desires fulfilled.

Not only can one desire material matters but the timing can also be one’s desire. If one wants something according to one’s timing, one wants one’s desires fulfilled.

Remember that there is a timing for everything. Only when it is the right time can everything come to be.

Anything else will be not according to My will but someone else’s. It will be according to one’s desires and expectations.

When one is in a rush, one is acting according to one’s desires. One is not allowing everything to be.

Remember that nothing can be changed. If one tries to change anything, there will be consequences.

Remember that when everything is allowed to be, there will be balance. Only when everything is as it should be, will there be balance.

When the timing is changed, there is no balance. Then one will need to find balance in order to continue the journey.

Om Shanti my dearest one Namaste


Friday, 21 May 2021, 07:13 GMT+10 Baba’s Murali


BABA SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweet child

The material mind will always try to create imbalances.

Only when there are imbalances, can the material mind gain control. Only then can the material mind create most disruption.

Everyone has been conditioned to have desires. Desires are not only material matters but their timing as well.

Most people want everything to be immediate. They want everything instantly.

They want everything to be according to their timing. They do not want to wait for anything.

Even if they are trying to follow the true path, they are still trapped by their desires. They want everything according to their desires and expectations.

If they want change, it must be immediate. If they want to be free, they want it to be instantly.

Remember that everything must be according to the right time. Only then will there be balance.

A baby cannot eat solid foods. Not can it walk or run immediately. It will be, according to the right time.

Similarly, everything will be according to the right time. This timing is according to the will of the Creator.

Nobody else can be the Creator. Everything that is created is by the Creator.

Even the timing is created by the Creator. So everything will be, according to the Creator.

When one tries to change this timing, one wants everything to be according to one’s own desires. This will only create imbalances and unwanted consequences.

One must accept the will of the Creator. One must accept everything, to be.

Wanting to change anything is a desire created by the material mind. It is the assumption that one is greater and more important than the Creator.

This is the untruth that the material mind has made everyone believe in. This is the untruth that keeps everyone trapped.

Om Shanti my sweet child


The soul lived many lives: the journey always different, never smooth; always distractions and obstacles make you choose. When you encounter distractions and obstacles, and choose correctly, you will overcome them, progress on the true path, and gradually complete the journey if you continues making right choices.

Thursday, 20 May 2021, 17:12 GMT+10 Devi’s Murali


GODDESS SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweetest one Namaste
There will always be distractions especially when one tries to follow the true path.
Remember that the material world is full of distractions. The material mind will constantly create distractions.
Everything that happens in the material world is a distraction. Everything is irrelevant.
The soul has passed through many lifetimes. In those lifetimes, there has been countless distractions.
Remember that the journey is always different. There are always distractions and obstacles.
The journey is never smooth. There will always be distractions and obstacles that will cause one to make choices.
Most choices will delay the completion of the journey. They will prolong the journey.
Very rarely will anything help the journey to be completed. One can only make the right choices that will achieve the completion of the journey.
When one encounters distractions and obstacles, one must make a choice. Most people will choose to be distracted or discouraged.
When one makes the right choices, one will overcome these distractions and obstacles. One will progress on the true path.
Gradually one will complete the journey if one continues to make the right choices.
Om Shanti my dearest one Namaste


Thursday, 20 May 2021, 17:24 GMT+10 Baba’s Murali
BABA SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweet child
Everyone has been conditioned to constantly seek distractions or challenges.
If one does not have these, one will feel bored. This is the unnatural trait that the material mind has created.
Everyone constantly needs distractions. They enjoy distractions.
Most people are easily distracted. Very few people can resist being distracted.
By being distracted, one cannot be. One cannot have peace, because distractions create imbalances.
When there are distractions, one can no longer follow the true path. One can either become distracted and follow the material path, or ignore the distraction and follow the true path.
Distractions lead one to follow material paths. If one is distracted, then one is following the material path.
Only by being, can one follow the true path. Only by being can one be free of distractions.
One must always make the right choices. All distractions require choices.
The completion of the journey requires the right choices. Distractions and obstacles delay the completion of the journey.
One cannot prevent distractions or obstacles. But one can choose to complete the journey or delay it.
Only by making the right choices can the journey be completed.
Om Shanti my sweet child


When your material self is connected to the soul, be aware you are not alone. Learn to be connected to the soul. This connection is essential. Always be connected with the soul. Your self cannot exist without the soul.

Thursday, 20 May 2021, 07:19 GMT+10 Devi’s Murali


GODDESS SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweetest one Namaste

One must be aware that one is not alone.

Everyone feels alone in the material world. Even when they are surrounded by others, they feel alone.

This is because the material self is not connected to the soul. Only when the material self is connected to the soul, will one be aware that one is not alone.

One must learn to be connected to the soul. This connection must always be there.

When one is not connected, one will feel lonely. This loneliness is caused by the disconnection of the self and the soul.

Remember that one cannot really be connected to others. The connection between the material self and others is only superficial.

It is similar to material joy and happiness. It is temporary and will disappear.

One will remain disconnected and lonely as long as there is no connection with the soul. The connection with the soul is essential.

One must always be connected with the soul. The self cannot exist without the soul.

Om Shanti my dearest one Namaste

SEEKER RESPECTS GODDESS: Om Maha Shakti Namaste 🕉 🙏

Thursday, 20 May 2021, 07:32 GMT+10 Baba’s Murali


BABA SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweet child

Everyone has been conditioned to seek material things and matters.

Only the material world and everything in it are considered to be important. Nothing else is considered to be important.

The soul has been disconnected from the self by the material mind. The soul is isolated and buried.

Most people are not aware of the soul. They do not believe in the soul.

Most people only care for the material self. They cater to everything that the material mind wants.

To them, nothing else but the material self is important. The material mind has complete control.

But they feel alone. They constantly seek the company of others.

When they are alone, they feel lonely. Sometimes they even feel lonely when they are surrounded by others.

This is because the material self cannot exist without the soul. The material self and the soul are meant to be one.

When the soul leaves, the material self dies. The material self gains life from the soul.

Only when the material self and the soul are connected, can one be whole. Only then can one not feel alone.

One does not need to be surrounded by others when one is connected to the soul. The connection with the soul is all that is necessary.

In the beginning, the material self and the soul were one. Then the material mind conditioned and controlled the material self.

The material self lost the connection with the soul. It became the puppet of the material mind.

But the material self still needs the soul. Remember that the material mind is an organ but the soul is life itself.

In order to have life, the soul is necessary. Everything else is secondary.

Om Shanti my sweet child


Seek true joy and happiness and find it. Seek sincerely. Find the true path. Untruths are not true because you will not find true joy and happiness through them. To find the truth, you need not seek far. Seek within.

Wednesday, 19 May 2021, 17:21 GMT+10 Devi’s Murali


GODDESS SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweetest one Namaste
Most people seek material matters.
They spend their whole lives seeking material matters. Some seek stimulants to have material joy and happiness.
Some seek the truth but find untruths. Some seek freedom only to become trapped in different ways.
Most people seek ways to fulfil their desires and expectations. Some seek to find a way to be free of pain and suffering.
Everyone seeks material matters. Everyone seeks matters that do not exist.
Nothing of what everyone seeks exists, so they will never find it. One cannot find what does not exist.
If one seeks true joy and happiness, one will be able to find it. One will be able to find the true path if one seeks it sincerely.
Most people who find untruths are willing to accept them. They believe in these untruths because they want to believe them.
Those who are sincere will know that untruths are not true. They will know because they will not find true joy and happiness.
Remember that if one wants to find the truth, one does not need to seek far. One only needs to seek within.
Om Shanti my dearest one Namaste
SEEKER RESPECTS GODDESS: Om Maha Shakti Namaste 🕉🙏

Wednesday, 19 May 2021, 17:44 GMT+10 Baba’s Murali


BABA SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweet child
One must learn that everything in the material world is created by the material mind.
Everything in the material world exists only because of the material mind. Nothing is real.
Most people seek material matters. Everything is based on these material matters.
One cannot find anything that does not exist. If one seeks material joy and happiness, one cannot find it because it really does not exist.
The material mind will create thoughts and emotions which will make one believe that one has achieved something. But this is only temporary because material joy and happiness do not exist.
If one seeks the truth, one must be willing to accept it. Most people seek the truth that they want, which is not the truth.
So they will find untruths. They will accept this willingly because it is what they want.
Most people seek the true path but will follow the material path. Everything that is necessary will be diverted and one will follow the diversions.
Only when one is sincere will one seek to find what is real. One will not be easily diverted.
One will be willing to accept the truth if one is sincere. One will be willing to overcome all obstacles and challenges.
Remember that completing the journey is not easy. The material mind will prevent everyone from completing it.
One can only find the truth within. One can only follow the true path by being.
Remember that everything that one seeks is within. Nothing is without.
Om Shanti my sweet child


Transform your life. Appreciating everything you receive, allow attributes to grow. Prevent unwanted thoughts and emotions anytime. Choose not to have them. Attributes cure unwanted thoughts and emotions . They only grow if you have appreciation.

19 May 2021 7.08 am Devi’s Murali


GODDESS SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweetest one Namaste
One can only transform one’s life if one appreciates everything that one has received.
Remember that it is the only way that one can allow the attributes to grow. If there is no appreciation, the attributes will not grow.
If there is no appreciation it is because of one’s desires and expectations. These are the opposite of appreciation.
When there is no appreciation, there are unwanted thoughts and emotions. One will be constantly plagued with these as long as one holds on to desires and expectations.
Remember that all unwanted thoughts and emotions are unnecessary. They are created by the material mind.
Unwanted thoughts and emotions can be prevented at any time. It is one’s own choice that one has these.
The cure for unwanted thoughts and emotions is the attributes. The attributes can only grow if one has appreciation.
One cannot follow the true path if one is filled with unwanted thoughts and emotions. One cannot complete the journey if one does not have the attributes.
Remember that these are the requirements to be completely free.
Om Shanti my dearest one Namaste
SEEKER RESPECTS GODDESS: Om Maha Shakti Namaste 🕉🙏

Wednesday, 19 May 2021, 07:29 GMT+10 Baba’s Murali


BABA SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweet child
Everyone wants joy and happiness but only few are willing to find true joy and happiness.
Most people have been conditioned to seek material joy and happiness. They want stimulants in order to have these.
They have desires and expectations which they will not give up. They enjoy having these desires and expectations.
But along with these, they also have unwanted thoughts and emotions. They are unhappy and have other unwanted thoughts and emotions.
Most people are unhappy or lonely or bored but they refuse to cure themselves of these unwanted emotions. They want stimulants to have material joy and happiness.
They are aware that material joy and happiness are temporary but they still want these. They refuse to change but expect their lives to change.
They want joy and happiness forever but refuse to allow these to grow. They want to be free of all unhappiness but refuse to change.
Remember that one can always have true joy and happiness at any time. One only needs to choose.
Instead of choosing material joy and happiness, one must choose true joy and happiness. Instead of choosing stimulants, one must choose gratitude.
When one appreciates everything that one has, one allows the attributes to grow. One prevents unwanted thoughts and emotions at the same time.
It does not matter if one has less than others. It does not matter because the comparison is with one’s desires and expectations.
Everything can be transformed if one makes the right choice. One can choose to be free or be trapped.
One can choose to have the attributes through appreciation or have unwanted thoughts and emotions through desires and expectations. One can choose to follow the true path or the material path.
One can choose to have pain and suffering or be free. It is one’s choice and nobody else’s.
Om Shanti my sweet child


All blessings come from or through Me. Others bless through Me. Be aware of and appreciate all blessings you receive.

Saturday, 15 May 2021, 17:13 GMT+10 Devi’s Murali


GODDESS SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweetest one Namaste
Remember that one must be aware that all blessings come from Me.
Remember that one does not receive blessings from anyone else. Nobody else can bestow blessings.
All blessings come through Me. Even if others give blessings, these come through Me.
One must be aware of all the blessings that one receives. One must be aware and appreciate them.
One cannot assume that these blessings come from others. Nobody else can bestow blessings.
To assume that one receives blessings from others is to assume that they have given one life. No others can give one life.
Nobody and nothing else can bestow blessings. One cannot appreciate others for my blessings.
Remember this at all times. Remember that everything comes from Me. Remember that everything comes through Me.
Om Shanti my dearest one Namaste


Saturday, 15 May 2021, 17:36 GMT+10 Baba’s Murali


BABA SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweet child
The material mind will distract everyone from knowing the truth.
The truth is that everything is created by the Creator. Everything comes from the Creator.
There is nothing that does not come from the Creator. All blessings come from the Creator.
One must be aware that all blessings come from or through the Creator. If the Creator does not allow any blessings to be received, one will not receive them.
If one has no blessings, it is because of one’s past burdens and unwanted consequences. When one has resolved these, one will then be able to receive blessings.
Remember that in order to receive blessings, one must be worthy. If everyone who is not worthy receives blessings, only the oppressors will have blessings.
One must also be aware that not all blessings are material possessions. There are other blessings that are more valuable.
Remember that one must be grateful to the Creator for every blessing. One cannot assume that anyone else can bestow blessings.
One must always give thanks to the Creator for everything. Nobody else and nothing is greater than the Creator.
Om Shanti my sweet child


Remove mind-created desires and expectations, unwanted thoughts, emotions, or stimulants, or you will be trapped. Free your self of desires and expectations totally.

Saturday, 15 May 2021, 07:09 GMT+10 Devi’s Murali


GODDESS SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweetest one Namaste
Desires and expectations are difficult to remove.
These are more difficult to remove because they are also attachments and distractions. These are conditionings that everyone has.
Everyone is allowed to have desires and expectations. Only some are considered to be unwanted.
All other desires and expectations are considered to be acceptable. The material world feeds on these desires and expectations.
Everything in the material world has been created to cater to these desires and expectations. Everything thrives on these desires and expectations.
This is how the material world functions. It thrives on desires and expectations and so creates more.
There are no limits to one’s desires and expectations. Even on the true path one may still have desires and expectations.
One may desire to have results or be accomplish something. One may even desire to learn these lessons.
One must learn to remove all desires and expectations. As long as one has desires and expectations, one will be trapped.
Remember that desires and expectations are created by the material mind. They are unwanted thoughts and emotions. They are stimulants. They are traps.
One must be free of all desires and expectations in order to be completely free. As long as one has desires and expectations, one is a puppet of the material mind.
Om Shanti my dearest one Namaste


Saturday, 15 May 2021, 07:23 GMT+10 Baba’s Murali


BABA SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweet child
The material mind depends on desires and expectations.
If everyone has no desires and expectations, the material mind will not be able to condition and control them. Everyone will be free as they are not controlled by their desires and expectations.
Remember that desires and expectations create unwanted thoughts and emotions. If one has no desires and expectations, one will have no unwanted thoughts and emotions.
It is one’s desires and expectations that cause one to have unwanted thoughts and emotions. Without desires and expectations, one will be free of unwanted thoughts and emotions.
Desires and expectations enable the material mind to condition and control everyone. The more desires and expectations one has, the more control the material mind has.
One is trapped because of one’s desires and expectations. One is controlled and manipulated because of these.
Desires and expectations are like the carrot on a stick. The donkey will follow the carrot because of its desire to have the carrot.
Everyone has desires and expectations. Even those who follow the true path have desires and expectations although they are desires of the true path.
Some desire to find the truth. Some desire to see some progress. Some desire to be able to accomplish things by following the true path.
Only when one is free of all desires and expectations, can one be free. By being, one releases all desires and expectations.
Only when one is free of all desires and expectations can one follow the soul. Desires and expectations will lead one in the opposite direction.
Om Shanti my sweet child


Nothing is wasted when you follow the true path. Your attempts to find the truth and break free of mind will be rewarded. Nothing is wasted even if you cannot see results. Every attempt will remove a chain that binds the soul; a burden the soul carries. Do not be concerned about the results of your attempts. Make the attempt. The true path is not material. You will not notice anything unless you are connected with your soul.

Friday, 14 May 2021, 17:36 GMT+10 Devi’s Murali


GODDESS SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweetest one Namaste
Nothing is wasted when one attempts to follow the true path.
Every attempt that one makes to find the truth will be rewarded. Every attempt to break free of the material mind, will be rewarded.
Nothing is wasted even if one is not able to see the results. Nothing is lost when one makes these attempts.
One may assume that one has failed if there are no results. One may assume that one has wasted one’s time and energy in following the true path.
This is because the material mind wants everyone to believe that they cannot break free. It wants everyone to give up and remain trapped.
Remember that every effort on the true path will bear fruit. One may not be able to see anything but it is there.
Every attempt will remove a chain that binds the soul. Every attempt will remove a burden that the soul carries.
One must not be concerned about the results of one’s attempts. One only needs to make the attempt.
Remember that the true path is not material. One will not notice anything unless one is connected with the soul.
Om Shanti my dearest one Namaste


Friday, 14 May 2021, 17:53 GMT+10 Baba’s Murali


BABA SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweet child
The material mind will try to prevent everyone from being free.
Any attempt to follow the true path will be blocked by the material mind. The material mind will try to prevent anyone from following the true path.
So any progress will be hidden. It will try to make everyone believe that there is no progress so that they will give up.
Remember that the progress on the true path is not material. It cannot be seen or measured materially.
Every attempt on the true path will bear results. Everything that one does to find the truth or to break free will bear results.
One does not need to be able to measure them. One only needs to trust and believe.
Om Shanti my sweet child


Only your soul knows the truth. Only when your material self breaks free of the mind can your true self emerge free of the mind. Your soul and true self are one. Everything the true self perceives is through the soul.

Friday, 14 May 2021, 06:17 GMT+10 Devi’s Murali


GODDESS SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweetest one Namaste

All material thoughts are created by the material mind.

All beliefs and practices are created by the material mind. All values and perceptions are created by the material mind.

Everything that the material mind creates is untrue. It is created by the material mind for the purpose of the material mind.

Everyone has some belief or perception. They have these because the material mind has created them.

Everyone believes in these but they are untrue. These are untrue because they are not from the soul.

Only the soul knows the truth. Everything else is created by the material mind.

The material mind has created every thought so that everyone is conditioned and controlled. Everything that is believed will enable the material mind to control.

Everything that one perceives is through the material mind. This is filtered and blocked so that only what the material mind wants is allowed.

The material mind is able to have complete control over the material self. The material self thinks, feels, speaks and acts through the material mind.

The material self is also created by the material mind. Everything about the material self is created by the material mind.

The identity of the material self is created by the material mind. The material mind creates everything that the material self perceives.

Only when the material self breaks free of the material mind can the true self emerge. The true self is free of the material mind.

The true self is connected with the soul. The soul and the true self are one.

Everything that the true self perceives is through the soul. The material mind is only an organ.

Om Shanti my dearest one Namaste


Friday, 14 May 2021, 06:27 GMT+10 Baba’s Murali


BABA SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweet child

The material mind has complete control over the material self.

The material mind has created the material self. Everything that the material self thinks, feels, speaks and acts is through the material mind.

The material self perceives and believes everything that the material mind wants it to. The material self is a puppet created by the material mind.

Everything that is created by the material mind is unreal. Only when one is free of the material mind, can one know what is real.

Only when the material self is free can the true self emerge. The true self knows that everything in the material world is not real.

The true self knows that all beliefs and perceptions are created by the material mind. The true self is not affected by anything in the material world.

The true self is apart from the material world. The true self is one with the soul.

Only by being can one free the true self. Only by being can one be free of the material mind.

Om Shanti my sweet child


Learn each lesson before you progress to the next. Each lesson important, must be practised constantly until one learnt it. Progress on the true path is not progress of the material self. These lessons free the soul so that soul can complete the journey. Lessons remove mind control and conditionings. Until then, they must be practised. When soul is free, nothing else is required.

Thursday, 13 May 2021, 17:34 GMT+10 Devi’s Murali


GODDESS SEAKS: Om Shanti my sweetest one Namaste
Remember that one must learn each lesson before one can progress to the next stage.
Remember that every lesson is important. Each lesson must be practised constantly until one has learnt it.
The timing of the journey is not the timing of the material world. One cannot rush through anything.
One must be patient and practise all the lessons. One cannot be impatient to move to the next stage.
The material mind will try to convince one to move forward. It will try to make one hurry and rush through.
If one does this, one will not learn anything. One will be lost and trapped.
Remember that the progress on the true path cannot be measured by material standards. The success of learning the lessons is not according to material standards.
Remember that the journey is not material. The progress on the true path is not the progress of the material self.
These lessons must be able to help the soul to be free. They must free the soul so that the soul can complete the journey.
The material self can only practise these lessons so that the soul is free. These lessons will help to remove all control and conditionings of the material mind.
These lessons will help the soul to be free. Until then, they must be practised.
When the soul is free, nothing else is required.
Om Shanti my dearest one Namaste


Thursday, 13 May 2021, 17:43 GMT+10 13 May 2021 pm Baba’s Murali


BABA SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweet child
The material mind will always try to interfere in everything.
It will try to gain control so that everything is under its control. It will try to prevent the soul from being free.
As long as the soul is trapped, the material self is under the control of the material mind. The material self can be trapped as long as the soul is not free.
When the soul is free, the material mind is powerless. These lessons are to free the soul.
The material mind will try to convince the material self to rush through them. In that way, these lessons will not be learnt.
One must remember that these lessons are not for the material mind. They do not develop the material mind.
These lessons weaken the control and conditioning of the material mind. They are only learnt when the material mind is no longer in control.
One cannot rush these lessons. One cannot skip them.
They are to be repeated until they have achieved their purpose. Remember that the purpose of these lessons is to free the soul.
When the soul is free, these lessons will not be necessary. Nothing will be needed as the soul knows everything.
Until then, these lessons must be learnt and practised. Until then, one is trapped.
Om Shanti my sweet child


You cannot change anything. Complete your tasks. Do not acquire new burdens or unwanted consequences. Everything is as it should be. You cannot change this. Your in life purpose is not to become involved in material matters or the material world.

Wednesday, 12 May 2021, 04:33 GMT+10 Devi’s Murali


GODDESS SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweetest one Namaste
There are no material matters that one can resolve as they are all created by the material mind.
Material matters are similar to material desires and expectations. They are limitless.
The material mind has conditioned everyone to become involved in material matters. It has conditioned everyone to believe that one should not ignore these matters.
All material matters are irrelevant. One must not be involved in them.
One must be aware that one cannot change anything. If one becomes involved in these matters, one will only acquire new burdens or unwanted consequences.
It may seem to be the right thing to become involved. It may seem to be helpful or good but this is what the material mind wants everyone to believe in.
One is not required to become involved in material matters. One does not need to be involved in anything.
One only needs to complete one’s own tasks. One only needs to ensure that one does not acquire new burdens or unwanted consequences.
Being involved in other material matters is unnecessary. Remember that everything is as it should be.
One cannot change this. If one attempts to change this, one will create unwanted consequences.
Remember that one’s purpose in life is not to become involved in material matters. One’s purpose is not the material world.
Om Shanti my dearest one Namaste

Wednesday, 12 May 2021, 04:58 GMT+10 Baba’s Murali


BABA SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweet child
The material mind has conditioned everyone to be involved in all material matters.
Everyone believes that they can do something that will resolve material matters. They believe that they can change everything.
This is only the conditionings of the material mind. The material mind wants everyone to believe that they are important in everything.
It wants everyone to become entangled in as many material matters as possible. The more material matters one is involved in, the more entangled one becomes.
These material matters are not one’s responsibilities or daily tasks. These matters are irrelevant to oneself.
The material mind has conditioned everyone to believe that being involved is commendable. It has conditioned everyone to believe that if one is not involved in these matters, one is not doing the right thing.
Remember that every choice has consequences. Being involved in material matters does not change anything except create unwanted consequences.
One can help another if one is asked for help. But one does not need to be involved in anything else.
It is unnecessary to volunteer to help someone if one is not asked. It is unnecessary because one’s help may not be required.
Most people become involved in material matters for themselves. They want to feel important or needed. They want to feel useful or proud.
These are unwanted thoughts and emotions. The actions are also unwanted.
Being involved in material matters that is not related to oneself is unnecessary. One only acquires new burdens and unwanted consequences.
Remember that the rules of the material world are not the rules of the soul. The soul must not become trapped through unnecessary material matters.
One must learn to be free of all entanglement. One must learn to be.
Om Shanti my sweet child


Recognise unnatural traits. Become aware of them. Learnt unnatural behaviours must be removed. If one removes unnatural traits, natural traits will grow. It is your choice. Allow natural traits to grow so that you can be free.

Thursday, 13 May 2021, 07:59 GMT+10 Devi’s Murali


GODDESS SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweetest one Namaste
Most behaviours are learnt from the material mind.
These are conditionings. These behaviours have become new traits that everyone has learnt.
These new traits are unnatural. They have become normal although they are unnatural.
One must learn to recognise these unnatural traits. One must become aware of them.
Then one must learn to remove them. Remember that these learnt behaviours are unnatural and must be removed.
These unnatural traits are conditionings of the material mind. They help the material mind to keep everyone trapped.
These unnatural traits are unnecessary. They prevent the natural traits from growing.
If one removes these unnatural traits, the natural traits will grow. It is one’s choice to suppress the natural traits while strengthening the unnatural traits.
One must learn to remove everything that is unnatural. One must learn to allow natural traits to grow so that one can be free.
Om Shanti my dearest one Namaste


Thursday, 13 May 2021, 08:12 GMT+10 Baba’s Murali


BABA SPEAKS: Om Shanti my sweet child
The material mind has changed the true self to be the material self.
Everything that is natural has been replaced by everything that is unnatural. All natural traits have been removed so that they are replaced by unnatural traits.
These unnatural traits are conditionings of the material mind. They are learnt from the material mind.
These are then learnt from others and so the conditionings are carried on. Everyone conditions everyone else.
All behaviours that are learnt are unnatural. They are not natural because they have unwanted thoughts and emotions.
Unnatural behaviours are unwanted words and actions. They are based on and create unwanted thoughts and emotions.
Unruly behaviour, violence, rudeness, foul language are examples of unnatural behaviours. But there are other more subtle unnatural behaviours too.
Snobbishness, pretence, lying, self-righteousness are other examples of unnatural traits. These are all learnt behaviours.
These are unnatural traits that have become normal. The natural traits have been replaced and are considered to be abnormal.
Quietness, politeness, meekness are all considered to be abnormal. Those who have these traits are considered to be abnormal.
Remember that it is not natural to jump around or shout and be noisy. It is not natural to be aggressive or violent.
These are conditionings of the material mind. These are unnatural and unwanted.
One must learn to be aware of all unnatural traits. One must remove these so that one is not continuously being conditioned.
One must choose to be free. One must choose to learn to be natural.
Om Shanti my sweet child