By being, one stops mind, prevents unwanted thoughts and emotions, allows attributes to grow. If one manifests soul attributes by being, one is free

08:09 GMT+10 27 April 2021 am Devi’s Murali Seeker: Om Maha Shakti Namaste Goddess: Om Shanti my sweetest one NamasteWhen one has true joy and happiness in being, one is free.Most people need stimulants in order to have material joy and happiness. They are […]

To free the soul, silence the mind and be. By being one can stop the mind. There must be no thoughts or emotions. Being is silencing the mind; freeing oneself from everything material

Monday, 26 April 2021, 4.45 pm Devi’s Murali Seeker: Om Maha Shakti Namaste Goddess: Om Shanti my sweetest one NamasteMost people only consider material matters to be important.Even if they assume they are following the true path, they are actually following the material path. […]

Use life experiences to learn, grow, strengthen and free the soul. Soul needs attributes to grow stronger. Mind diminishes attributes. By being, one strengthens soul, stops mind, frees soul.

7.27 26 April 2021 am Devi’s Murali Seeker: Om Maha Shakti Namaste Goddess: Om Shanti my sweetest one NamasteOne must learn to use everything that one experiences in life as a means to learn and grow.Everyone has been conditioned to learn and grow materially. […]

Live the attributes. When they are strong, free yourself of obstacles challenges attachments distractions unwanted thoughts and emotions. Then you are free. Learn and grow. Be aware of everything.

16.57 25 April 2021 pm Devi’s Murali Seeker: Om Maha Shakti Namaste Goddess: Om Shanti my sweetest one NamasteOne must constantly learn to be free.As the material mind constantly traps everyone, one must constantly learn to be free. If one becomes complacent, one will […]

Accept and appreciate everything. Pain and suffering resolve past burdens. Nothing is without reason. Do not assume you know better, or need anything else.

25 April 2021 7.10 am Devi’s Murali Seeker: Om Maha Shakti Namaste Goddess: Om Shanti my sweetest one NamasteOne must always learn to appreciate everything that one has.The material mind has conditioned everyone to desire more. Everything that one has is never sufficient.This desire […]

Be free. Do not hold on to irrelevant material matters or let mind create unwanted thoughts emotions attachments or distractions. Temporary material matters do not last; will be forgotten . Learn and accept this.

23 April 2021 pm Devi’s Murali Seeker: Om Maha Shakti Namaste Goddess: Om Shanti my sweetest one NamasteEverything that becomes important is only because one allows it.Most people allow material matters to be important. They believe the material mind and so believe in the […]

Stop/remove unwanted thoughts, emotions, unnatural traits, attachments, mind conditionings and control. Have natural traits. Just be.

07:27 22 April 2021 am Devi’s Murali Seeker: Om Maha Shakti Namaste Goddess: Om Shanti my sweetest one NamasteEverything that should be, will be.The material mind has blocked everything so that everyone only perceives what is allowed by the material mind. Everything else is […]

Complete your life journey as soon as you become aware. Mind will prevent you becoming free. As you break free, it will be harder to. Delay and you become lost and trapped. Time and energy are limited.

07:27 21 April 2021 am Devi’s Murali Seeker: Om Maha Shakti Namaste Goddess: Om Shanti my sweetest one NamasteAll desires and expectations are unnecessary and irrelevant.Most people have desires and expectations as their purpose of life. When these are achieved, they are replaced with […]

Your soul connection and its freedom is important. When your soul is free, everything is as it should be. Then the journey is progressing

 16:53 20 April 2021 pm Devi’s Murali Seeker: Om Maha Shakti Namaste Goddess: Om Shanti my sweetest one NamasteOne must remember that everything in the material world is unnecessary.Most people consider material matters to be most important. They consider everything to be relevant.One must […]